"Step Into Love" by Seane Corn


Over here at SALT, we know we are not alone in longing for a world where peace, kindness, positivity, and beauty overwhelms absolutely everything!  After experiencing such a long and divisive election season, however, we found ourselves wondering if these things are too fragile, too weak to win the day...  

We were in need of a little spiritual relief - so, we made a new short film featuring the wise words of world renowned yoga teacher and activist Seane Corn.

Seane Corn is a lively activist, a spiritual and humanitarian icon, and one of our very favorite yogis.  She co-founded Off the Mat Into the World, an outreach campaign rooted in yoga and wellness, and uses her international platform to promote positive change not just here at home, but all across the globe.  Her passion for yoga set her on the path toward epic world change, and we’re honored (and super thrilled!) to have worked with her on this creative collaboration!

In Step Into Love, Seane urges us to look inside ourselves and find the courage to accept reality as it is (including the results of this election!).  She is adamant about living life fully by leaning toward and stepping into love.  Fear (as we've seen over and over and over again) only serves to divide, to hold us back, to push us down and so, from this day forward, we will be stepping into love instead.

When we think about the most awful experiences in our lives, there’s no doubt that the trials helped to make growth possible.  And, as much as we hate to admit it, the painful reality of this election season is going to help heal the deep wounds that haunt our country and growth and light and love and beauty and kindness will take root! 

And, so, we find ourselves echoing Seane’s wise prayer; we hope not to take away the experiences that hurt us, but we ask God to give us the strength to perceive them differently. 

Pain in life is inevitable.  But challenges serve a purpose. 

We hope you’ll join us as we work hard to develop a change in perspective, recommitting ourselves to fighting for what is right, and embracing the vibrant, real truth that comes with stepping hard into LOVE.

We hope you'll come along for the ride!


The SALT Team