7 Tips for Facebook Video Content Marketing

Father's Day FB Video

Have you noticed more videos playing automatically in your FB newsfeed lately?  Well, you’re not alone! 
FB is quickly becoming a serious competitor when it comes to online video content marketing and its totally giving YouTube a run for its money!  What's more: this is great news for churches who have a limited budget but are ready to do some non-traditional marketing and spreading of the good news!
So, if you feel like FB video marketing is something you and your church would like to experiment with, here are a few tricks of the trade that we've learned along the way...  Remember when SALT's DIY Easter Eggs went viral this spring on FB?  It organically received over 29 million views and taught us the following about FB’s marketing power:
Upload Natively
A cool feature that FB offers is the ability to upload your short films “natively.”  This means uploading directly to your FB video page which will allow your short film to play automatically on your newsfeed, in the newsfeed of people who like your congregation, and in the newsfeed of everyone who shares it!  

Now, add this nugget of wisdom to all that previous goodness: “autoplay” videos are far more eye-catching than regular posts AND your audience doesn't need to press “play” in order to watch - this is a rare and precious gift with the ever-shortening, online attention span!
Keep it Short
A typical video on Facebook is about 44 seconds BUT videos that are less than 21 seconds receive the highest completion rates – so, keep it short and sweet!
Quiet Please
Because of FB's super cool "autoplay" feature, a lot of video content posted there is consumed without sound.  So, if possible, try creating a video that has the power to capture your audience even without sound (more subtitles, please!).
Make it Pretty
FB allows you to upload a custom thumbnail for every video you upload – make it pretty!
Know the Drill
Researchers go crazy trying to figure out what makes content shareable – here’s what they all agree upon: your content needs to invoke awe, laughter, and/or amusement. 
Play to Win
FB provides the option of adding a call-to-action at the end of your video to encourage viewers to visit a website, watch more content, etc.  When our DIY Easter Eggs went viral, we didn’t know about this feature and we’ve been kicking ourselves ever since.


On FB, holidays and special occasions rule the day!  So, try to make your film content as timely as humanly possible!

Here's a great SALT example of all of these tips and tricks in action:

Father’s Day
Now, with all this in mind, SALT has created a new Customizable Short Film for Father’s Day.  This short film hits all the above-mentioned best practices and is designed to get churches into the world of content marketing as inexpensively and painlessly as possible!
This Father’s Day short film has been lovingly created and designed with FB in the forefront of our minds, that is: it’s short, sweet, moves swiftly, captures attention from the get-go, does not rely on sound, and is designed to be used for the week or two leading up to a major summer holiday – how perfect can you get?!
Finally, because we’re committed to providing churches with affordable, professional-produced media to help them get into this important marketing space, we’re making this Father’s Day "Pop Up Holiday!" Customizable Short Film available for $75.

As always, let us know what you think of the short film and all the FB talk!  

Also, do you have any epic FB wins or loses?  Has your church ever tried to make it's own media?  If so, how did it go?  Have you ever tried any of SALT's customizable media?  If so, how did it go?

Let us know when you get a chance!

Peace and ties,

The SALT Team

Elizabeth MyerComment